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The Pioneer Metagame in 2022

The Pioneer Metagame in 2022


A compilation of the main Pioneer archetypes in 2022 and their respective strategies!

Pioneer Metagame Analysis 2022

Magic in 2023: Thoughts, analysis and speculations about Wizards Presents

Magic in 2023: Thoughts, analysis and speculations about Wizards Presents


Wizards Presents was the big event that announced the 2023 releases and sets. In this article, we an...

magic 2023 wizards presents opinion

Pauper: Everything we know about Gates (so far)!

Pauper: Everything we know about Gates (so far)!


The Gates have become the new trend in Pauper. In this article, I analyze which strategies this comb...

Gates Pauper Analysis

Penny Dreadful: Season 25 Metagame Analysis & Decklists

Penny Dreadful: Season 25 Metagame Analysis & Decklists


Let's break through the 25th season of the cheapest format to play on MTGO and understand the main d...

mtgo penny dreadful metagame budget

Modern: 6 cards that could be unbanned (and 6 cards that can't)

Modern: 6 cards that could be unbanned (and 6 cards that can't)


Modern's Banlist has cards that have been there for over a decade. In this article, I present six ca...

Modern banlist analysis

Pioneer: The New Bans and the Future

Pioneer: The New Bans and the Future


Winota and Expressive Iteration were suddenly banned from Pioneer close to the Qualifiers. How did w...

pioneer ban analysis

Pauper EDH Review - Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate

Pauper EDH Review - Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate


The new Commander Legends brought some exciting additions to Pauper Commander!


Explorer: An introduction to Magic Arena's new format

Explorer: An introduction to Magic Arena's new format


Wizards has announced a new format in Magic Arena, Explorer. In this article, I explain everything a...

arena explorer analysis

Deckbuilding: Five common mistakes when constructing your deck

Deckbuilding: Five common mistakes when constructing your deck


In today's article, I list five mistakes commonly made when building a decklist from scratch, and ho...

deckbuilding analysis

Pauper: About the (new) bans and the Metagame

Pauper: About the (new) bans and the Metagame


In today's article, I analyze the recent Pauper bans, what we can learn about the format, and what t...

pauper analysis ban

Alchemy: The format's potential and what went wrong

Alchemy: The format's potential and what went wrong


Even though it is one of the main formats of the Neon Dynasty Championship, Alchemy has stagnated in...

Alchemy analysis opinion

The Post-Kamigawa Neon Dynasty Pauper

The Post-Kamigawa Neon Dynasty Pauper


In today's article, I present an analysis of the main points of what has been happening in Pauper si...

pauper competitive analysis

Standard: Jeskai Hinata is the format's next best deck

Standard: Jeskai Hinata is the format's next best deck


Although it's still early in the season, some strategies are so powerful that it doesn't take long t...

Standard jeskai analysis

Modern Dredge - Deck Analysis & Sideboard Guide

Modern Dredge - Deck Analysis & Sideboard Guide

Gabriel Nunes

Today let's talk about Dredge's current version, a deck that is stiill pretty famous among its enthu...

modern dredge mtg sideguide

Top Ten 2021 Cards for Legacy

Top Ten 2021 Cards for Legacy


Today, I analyze and evaluate 2021's ten most impactful cards for Legacy.

top 10 analysis legacy

FREE MTGO Vintage Cube - Tips and Analysis

FREE MTGO Vintage Cube - Tips and Analysis


Today, I present some tips and tricks to play well on MTGO's Free Vintage Cube.

draft mtgo

Pioneer Deck Analysis: Orzhov Vampires

Pioneer Deck Analysis: Orzhov Vampires


In today's article, I analyze the Orzhov Vampires, Pioneer deck that had five placements on last Sat...

vampires pioneer analysis

Modern: MTG Vegas - Top 8 Decks Analysis

Modern: MTG Vegas - Top 8 Decks Analysis

Gabriel Nunes

In today's article, let's take a closer look at the Top 8 decks of MTG Vegas in Swiss order, which t...

modern mtgvegas metagame

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