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Magic: the Gathering
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One Piece TCG
Flesh and Blood
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During the WeeklyMTG, WotC confirmed a new Banned and Restricted update in Magic for next Monday, Ma...
notícia banlist atualização
In today's article, we analyze Bant Poison, a strategy on the rise in competitive Standard in Januar...
Toxic Standard Deck Guide
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, let's explore Runeterra's portals, a theme very present across the entire League un...
lore trivia bandlecity
Marcos Sobral
In this article, I'll analyze the December 2023 Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG banlist, which will be legal from Janu...
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Banlist
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, we'll analyze the effects of December's banned and restricted update, which prom...
banned FaB Blitz
Simic Infect is a deck that has roamed the Legacy metagame ever since the Scars of Mirrodin block br...
Legacy infect deck tech
Pacto das Guildas
In today's article, I bring one of the most fun Control deck options available in Standard: Bant Con...
Standard DeckTech Sideguide
Amidst the confusion created by the bans announced for Modern and Pioneer, Legacy remained untouched...
legacy ban metagame
Explore the recent ban announcement in the Pauper format and discover how it will reshape the metaga...
Pauper Ban Mono Red
Two days after the Smuggler's Copter unban announcement, Pioneer leagues are flooded with decks test...
Pioneer Unban Copter Metagame
In today's article, we review the changes and impact that the December 4th banned and restricted upd...
Banlist Review Metagame
In today's article, we evaluate which are the main cards likely to be banned from Pioneer in the nex...
Pioneer Banlist
Renan Menezes
In this article, we'll discuss the bans and restrictions that were announced on November 11th, their...
Bans Restrictions ST10 OP05
Two years after the release of Modern Horizons II, the Elementals remain the most predominant card c...
Modern MH Ban Elementals
Cards Realm
Optimize online casino success: Choose games wisely, grasp rules, practice, manage bankroll, use bon...
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Discover the powerful champions from Bandle City in Legends of Runeterra, as we explore the top 5 pi...
cards games online Runeterra LoR
Ricky Casino offers an unparalleled gaming experience with a vast selection of the greatest games. G...
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Discover the shocking truth behind the controversial Pokémon trading cards that were censored and ba...
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