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Quiz: Would You Be Compleated by New Phyrexia?

Quiz: Would You Be Compleated by New Phyrexia?

Nat Almeida

Would you be one of the lucky few that comes out unharmed, or one of the unlucky compleated? Answer ...

quiz magic lore new phyrexia praetor

Expanded Deck Tech: Regidrago VStar + ADP + M. Charizard X EX

Expanded Deck Tech: Regidrago VStar + ADP + M. Charizard X EX

Rodrigo William

Get to know this deck, which is quite versatile: it has massive and aggressive damage up to 330, bei...

Regidrago Control Sniper

Explorer: 5 Competitive Decks To Start Out in the Format

Explorer: 5 Competitive Decks To Start Out in the Format

Gabriel Almeida

Explorer is Magic Arena's eternal format which is "loyal" to the physical card game, that is, withou...

explorer magic arena decks competitive

Best Extra Deck Generic Monsters for Budget Players

Best Extra Deck Generic Monsters for Budget Players

Marcos Sobral

In this article, I'll recommend you good cheap monsters for you to use in your Extra Deck!

Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Budget

Expanded Deck Tech: Honchkrow-GX Control

Expanded Deck Tech: Honchkrow-GX Control

Rodrigo William

Meet the Honchkrow-GX deck for the Expanded format with a Control Deck theme, featuring card enhance...

PokémonTCG Control Honchkrow

Expanded Deck Tech: Absol - Doom News

Expanded Deck Tech: Absol - Doom News

Rodrigo William

Discover the combination of Absol from Sun/Moon: Guardians Rising with Hydreigon from Sword/Shield: ...

Absol PokémonTCG Expanded

Expanded Deck Tech: Chandelure + Charizard (Vivid Voltage) - Dynamic Burning

Expanded Deck Tech: Chandelure + Charizard (Vivid Voltage) - Dynamic Burning

Rodrigo William

Get to know the upgrades for Sun/Moon's Chandelure along with Charizard from the Sword/Shield: Vivid...

PokémonTCG Expanded Deck Guide Charizard

Expanded Deck Tech: Gyarados Energy Blast

Expanded Deck Tech: Gyarados Energy Blast

Rodrigo William

Get to know the Sun/Moon Gyarados deck: Team Up for Expanded with some new cards to potentialize the...

PokemonTCG Gyarados WaterType

World Ender: Solving the Meta

World Ender: Solving the Meta


This article is aimed at presenting the situation regarding new champions and how the meta is shapin...

competitive expansion decks

Card Highlight: Phyrexian Obliterator on Standard, Pioneer & Explorer

Card Highlight: Phyrexian Obliterator on Standard, Pioneer & Explorer


Phyrexian Obliterator will be reprinted in Phyrexia: All Will Be One, but is one of the most famous ...

Phyrexia Card Highlight

Expanded Deck Tech: Mewtwo & Mew Tag Team + Unown VStar - Aggro

Expanded Deck Tech: Mewtwo & Mew Tag Team + Unown VStar - Aggro

Rodrigo William

Meet the Mewtwo & Mew Tag Team-GX deck with Silver Tempest's Unown-VStar that enhanced the archetype...

Mewtwo Expanded Deck tech

Magic Arena: Explorer Anthology 2 Review

Magic Arena: Explorer Anthology 2 Review


Explorer Anthology 2 arrives on December 13th, with 24 new cards for Magic Arena. But how much is it...

Review Explorer Magic Arena

Expanded Deck Tech: Charizard VMax VStar + Reshiram & Charizard Tag Team

Expanded Deck Tech: Charizard VMax VStar + Reshiram & Charizard Tag Team

Rodrigo William

Get to know the Charizard VMax and Reshiram & Charizard Tag Team deck for the expanded format, which...

Expanded PokemonTCG Charizard

March of the Lich King: 3 Decks to start out in the new expansion

March of the Lich King: 3 Decks to start out in the new expansion

Pedro Fernandes

Today, I bring three of the main decks to make the most out of Hearthstone's new expansion, March of...

Decks Hearthstone Standard

Expanded Deck Tech: Venusaur VMax + Celebi & Venusaur Tag Team

Expanded Deck Tech: Venusaur VMax + Celebi & Venusaur Tag Team

Rodrigo William

Get to know a Venusar-VMax Celebi & Venusaur Tag Team deck build for the expanded format, which take...

expanded PokemonTCG Venusaur

6 Decks to Play from the Darkin Saga: World Ender Expansion!

6 Decks to Play from the Darkin Saga: World Ender Expansion!

Tony Lucas

In this article I bring decks with the new champions that are coming to LoR: Aatrox, Kayle and Ryze!

competitive decks

Expanded Deck Tech: Blastoise VMax + Blastoise & Piplup Tag Team

Expanded Deck Tech: Blastoise VMax + Blastoise & Piplup Tag Team

Rodrigo William

Get to know a Blastoise VMax and Blastoise & Piplup Tag Team deck build for the expanded format, whi...

Expanded PokemonTCG Blastoise

Pros and Cons of Some of the Most Widely Used Browser Extensions

Pros and Cons of Some of the Most Widely Used Browser Extensions


Browser extensions are an excellent way to enhance your online experience. They can strengthen your ...

browser extension

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