Magic: the Gathering


The best Magic: the Gathering tattoos

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Reddit has always been a social network with a lot of interaction and from there you can extract many images of Magic tattoos, so we decided to compile some here!

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によって翻訳されました Cards Realm

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によってレビュー Tabata Marques

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4 years ago, a person published his tattoo on the social network Reddit. His tattoo can be seen above and shows the symbols of Ravnica's guilds. The tattoo was so well done and ended up having so much impact that many other Magic: the Gathering players also decided to show off their own tattoos.

Reddit has always been a social network with a lot of interaction and from there you can extract many images of Magic tattoos, so we decided to compile some here that we think is worthy to show you!

Mountain by u/actorintheITworld r/magicTCG
Mountain by u/actorintheITworld r/magicTCG


Set symbol for Invasion u/foilking r/magicTCG
Set symbol for Invasion u/foilking r/magicTCG

Niv Mizzet by u/r0ck4ev3r r/magicTCG
Niv Mizzet by u/r0ck4ev3r r/magicTCG

Orzhov symbol by u/octoqueen29 r/magicTCG
Orzhov symbol by u/octoqueen29 r/magicTCG

Infect symbol by u/Nineresh r/magicTCG
Infect symbol by u/Nineresh r/magicTCG

Goblin Token by u/aaaggglll r/magicTCG
Goblin Token by u/aaaggglll r/magicTCG

Rakdos symbol by u/RandallSchwartz r/magicTCG
Rakdos symbol by u/RandallSchwartz r/magicTCG

Champion mat art by u/VixStixLix for GRN r/magicTCG
Champion mat art by u/VixStixLix for GRN r/magicTCG

Keranos God by u/BeefFather r/magicTCG
Keranos God by u/BeefFather r/magicTCG

Valakut by Mariel Bayona r/magicTCG
Valakut by Mariel Bayona r/magicTCG

Ravnica Guilds by u/abbadon915 r/magicTCG
Ravnica Guilds by u/abbadon915 r/magicTCG

Were you able to identify each tattoo? Now we will show others that didn't come from Reddit:

Lotus by Camillo Bertolini
Lotus by Camillo Bertolini

Liliana by Juliana Toledo
Liliana by Juliana Toledo

Planeswalker symbol by Cristiano Gabriel
Planeswalker symbol by Cristiano Gabriel

Griselbrand by Kelvin Gomes
Griselbrand by Kelvin Gomes

Swamp by Lucas Barcos
Swamp by Lucas Barcos

Vraska by Taike Rafael
Vraska by Taike Rafael

Ajani by Taike Rafael
Ajani by Taike Rafael

Nico Bolas by Taike Rafael
Nico Bolas by Taike Rafael

Liliana by Opix Tatoo
Liliana by Opix Tatoo

Aurelia by Opix Tatoo
Aurelia by Opix Tatoo

Jace by @igorcardenas
Jace by @igorcardenas

All magic color symbol by Lucas Arthur
All magic color symbol by Lucas Arthur

Infect symbol by Pedro Fonseca
Infect symbol by Pedro Fonseca

Khans of Tarkir d20 by Ton Cunha
Khans of Tarkir d20 by Ton Cunha