Magic: the Gathering


Omnath is on 60% of the Standard Challenge's TOP 32 decklists

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Uro and Omnath are dominant in Zendikar Rising's new Standard metagame

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traduzido por Leon

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revisado por Tabata Marques

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With the results already released from Standard Challengelink outside website and Competitive Constructed Leagueslink outside website, we can have an idea of ​​what the Standard metagame of Zendikar Rising will be. Everything is still very early and decklists that fight the decks that are prevalent can appear after, but what we saw can scare a new entrant in Standard.


Competitive Constructed League

The 5-0 league lists in MTGO showed a worrying scenario: there are only 5 different decks between them. For a long time Wizards of the Coast only publishes decklists with more than 20 different cards, that is, only 5 decklists differed among the winners.

Even among the 5 decklists, their idea in general does not change much. We saw a deck with Omnath focused on red (Terror of the Peaks) and another focused on blue (Brazen Borrower // Petty Theft).

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We also have a third Omnath deck, but this time, focused on Genesis Ultimatum and green.

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Finally, we have the ever-present Mono-red and a Midrange Gruul deck.

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Spells that can be land will be part of the metagame

Regardless of whether the decklists are a Mono Red Wins or a Midrange, what we saw were all the decklists using some kind of magic that can also be land. The idea that remained among professionals is that these lands will always be present in the Standard metagame.

Standard Challenge

The Standard Challengelink outside website showed a worrying scenario. Unlike the Competitive League in which Wizards of the Coast chooses the decklists that will be shown with the criterion of wanting to show different decks, the Standard Challenge is an MTGO event usually played by professionals in which the TOP 32 is released. Omnath , Locus of Creation was on 60% of that TOP's decks and Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath always accompanies it.

Omnath, Locus of Creation is a 4-color card, playing it is an option of creating a deck with several risks regarding the mana base. Even so, we are seeing it being played as option number 1 among players. Have they found the best Standard's deck or will we still see twists in the next weeks?

Wizards of the Coast announcement

Wizards seems to be already on the lookout for Standard and they will make an announcement next week: