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Legends of Runeterra
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Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
This month's rotation is here, and, as usual, I brought you some lists if you're a bit lost in the S...
guide runeterra standard
The new rotation is finally here! As usual, I reviewed each champion that rotated in and out of Stan...
opinion lor rotation
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, we'll review the new list of banned and restricted cards, which brought changes ...
ban zen cc starvo bounds
As LoR's July rotation is closer and closer each day, I decided to see which champions should return...
opinion rotation champions
We decided to bring you, once a week, 5 rising lists so you can test them out on the ranked queue an...
guide eternal decks
In this article, you'll have a full recap of this week's Standard Runeterra Royale tournaments, from...
guide review competitive
In this article, we'll analyze each change in Patch 4.7.0. This Patch is one of the most expected pa...
balancing opinion
Tony Lucas
The "Rise of the Phoenix" season brings some of the Phoenix Force's hosts into the game, including J...
Pool 5 Review July 2023
A new ban list is announced, and with it comes significant changes for the Classic Constructed. Chec...
Ban FaB July 3
In this article, you'll find out about the big changes coming to the game in the July patch!
Marvel Snap Update July
The latest cards datamined by experts are set for release in July and August! Check out here everyth...
news marvel snap leak new cards